What should be your additional skills?

In this day and age of technology and competition for jobs, it is a prime pre-requisite to learn new technologies in our field. One of the best frameworks to learn these days is Android Application Development. So , the question is, what to refer as there are billions of articles and reference materials available on the internet.

Here are some of my personal preferences :

Learning Android App Development

(1) The first step is to learn Java. Trying to learn android without knowing java is like jumping to ride a Ferrari without learning to drive in the first place! For Java lessons, you can hop in here:
Tutorial to get started with Java – A beginner’s guide to Java Programming.
Tutorial for beginners.

(2) Once you are acquainted with Java essentials, you can get going with android development tutorials. Here’s a list where you can start off with your android learning:
Before anything else, every aspiring android developer should go through the blog post “Resources every android developer should know” by Sergy Povzner.
Official Developer Tutorial- This has been created by open source developers and android community. This is the best place for a beginner to start.
At "HelloAndroid" you can avail some good articles along with useful snippets of codes.
Another good place is Script Tutorials.

(3) Next you can search for good video tutorials so that you can have a visual and hands-on learning. You can do a random search on Google and/or YouTube;

(4) Every theoretical knowledge needs practical implementation. If you have grasped what android programming is all about, then its suggested you start building an application based on your learning. After all practice makes you perfect. You can revert to all the above tutorials and also skim through few eBooks like:
Android tutorial
App Inventor eBook

For answers to all your queries, you can look at stackoverflow.com

So, what are you waiting for? Time’s slipping by. Before others pick up the best jobs, get yourself trained and be a contributor to the android world.

Also for more reference, you can check my repositories on  My GitHub.

On my next post, we shall talk about what you need to get through your interview rounds. So kindly wait for it, until then, keep checking my blog.

Thanks for your time and hope you read the next one.....


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